Psychosocial Safety has been around since workplaces existed. Over the years we have seen a rise and focus on emotional safety rather than physical safety, now there is legislation in place that is requiring workplaces to proactively address and manage this risk. In 2024 we will see many businesses continue to understand what psychosocial safety is, assessing their risks and then navigating their way through monitoring and managing. I predict a decline in the number of workplace wellbeing initiatives and more thought leadership around the design of work and how these principles are used to help drive and improve psychological safety. Psychosocial safety in the workplace is a big elephant we need to tackle one bite at a time. Psychosocial safety is like COVID, it won't just be solved by HR and HSE teams, it is going to require an army of people and industry cross collaboration. The big question I have is how many workplaces will become certified to ISO 45003:2021 Occupational health and safety management Psychological health and safety at work - Guidelines for managing psychosocial risks. Will yours? 

Link: SafeWork Australia Psychosocial Hazards, ISO Standard

Tip: If you aren't sure where to start, learn the 14 hazards and identify which ones are most relevant and prevalent in your business. In Her Boots has a specific learning module on psychosocial safety, as well as having the capability to conduct psychosocial gap analysis and risk assessments. We have also developed a psychological safety index which can be integrated into your business operations, to provide a pulse check on each of the hazards. In Her Boots has additional tools to support you and your business with proactively addressing psychosocial safety.